These 'clean' 'eco-friendly' technologies being proposed - and imposed - as replacements for existing technologies are largely inferior in terms of performance, and shockingly destructive when a complete ecological accounting is performed. Insofar as state power plays a role in this, it is not for the better. Most of these technologies would be immediately rejected by the consumer on grounds of cost and reliability, and are being adopted only due to mandates imposed by the state - states captured by unaccountable globalist networks such as the WEF, that is.

One thing that's never made sense to me is the 'sustainability' argument. We're running out of oil, so we need to use 'renewable' sources of energy such as wind and solar. Only, harvesting those relies on extracting rare earths that are even less abundant than hydrocarbons in the Earth's crust. As you touch on above, for the UK alone to meet its electric vehicle goal would require the entire global stock of such materials. How long can industrial civilization be continued on this basis? One generation? Two? Especially considering that batteries have a very limited lifetime. How in the name of God is that 'sustainable'?

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There is nothing sustainable about this modern consumer age, or the renewable utopia. The renewable utopia if "achieved" will make the pollution of this age look like foothills to mountains. Of course like all utopian ideas from the left, the reality is dystopian. The left it seems has decided we humans (other than them) are a plague upon the planet, they have made common cause with globalists and the spook state, and seem intent on destroying this system before they build their utopia, which assures we will never actually achieve the utopia. It appears like the makings of total global war are stirring, which the left and the globalists think they can win because they think they are technologically superior, and generally superior to everybody else. But that is a war no one wins and will merely reduce circumstances for everybody everywhere.

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In Australia 'sustainability was mostly ever used by enviromentalist in conjunction with 'enviromental' eg 'enviromental sustainability...

Then in 1985 the national govedrnments Minister for the Enviroment declared he was having none of that. He married 'sustainability' to 'economic' and 'development'. Henceforth he would only participate in discussions of 'economic sustainability' and 'sustainable development'...

As Humpty Dumpty told Alice ' those who have power decide the meanings of words'...

Some say "the rest is history"...Others say "It was all downhill from thereon."

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When you got to the part about the species that live on the metal nodules, I gasped. Ws have no idea what we’re messing with, or how dangerous the consequences could be.

I realize the irony of typing this on my smartphone*, but I think networked computing technology is the worst thing to have happened to humans in modern history.

Not too get too metaphysical, but in my darker moments I get a feeling that something is building itself, using us as its hands. This entity needs “green” energy such as solar and wind to ensure its continued existence after we’ve mostly poisoned and starved ourselves from ruining our biosphere.

*it’s 7 years old, so that salves my conscience a little. I keep phones until they’re absolutely dead.

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I've concluded there is no upside to modern technology. At least, not for natural life forms.

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Technology is not neutral....It cannot be seperated from power or control...

My remote ancestors used tools to enhance their diets, the development of all technologies these days are driven by the need for control over others...

Once i was a baker until i was deskilled by machines, and the machines then controled, for the benefit of their owners, my pace of work etc.,.

Control Freaks Rule !

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Thanks for the info. I have suspected that the ultimate costs of extraction were underexposed. Sand , of all things. Wow.

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You'd never have guessed it, seems like one of those infinite resources

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Great article. Saved, for sharing with renewable utopian idiots.

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I'd love to know how it's received. I suspect such people have their concerns but do their best to ignore them

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Most of the sort who think a renewable utopia is inevitable would not read it as it is not from a source acceptable to Reuters. But if I get any response I will surely let you know.

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Comme d'habitude... Un travail d'excellence, merci.

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Excellent piece.

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Thanks Luke

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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) will put MANY out of work.

But if the Good People over at the WEF have any brains they'll promote the idea of "voluntary" enrolment of the armies of unemployed (surplus to the needs of industry) people into 'Work Units' to clean up the Bloody Enviromental Messes we've made - a sort of 'work for for your UBI ' scheme (currently aka 'work for your dole')...(win - win)...

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So much of the fatuous green-dream is a result of people being totally deracinated - cut off from the origins (in reality, aka real world).

They are not just unable but unwilling to see the Big Picture and where they fit in - nods to Zaphod & the Total Perspective Vortex.

Those who don't know where food, information & energy come from are unlikely to be able to weigh up the pros & cons of any given action.

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Many thanks; illuminating as always.

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Glad you enjoyed

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"sovereign state" there is no such thing... The "state" is a mere sub-system that works to keep modern moron slaves properly Divided (with those idiotic notions of "nation"/"flag" and all the rest of stupid artifacts).

There can't be a "sovereign state" while the OWNERS of the MAIN SYSTEM - the monetary system - are a few Secular Ruling Families. In fact we can't name a single "sovereign state".

Do enjoy Reality!


So forget these moronic slogans... They are just good to waste Time.

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