A while back I read somewhere that experiments showed the quinine dosage in the gin & tonics consumed in the English colonies of India (unpalatably bitter compared those of today) was potent enough in quinine to increase it into the low medicinally effective range in the bloodstream, I wonder if drinking really strong coffee (even if similarly difficult to swallow) would lead to the same for caffeine.
Your link to the Somali phenotype thread only brings up the first paragraph of the thread. This link goes to the whole article-- which I would highly recommend too! It is very interesting! link: https://twitter-thread.com/t/1742006339520336364
Dear Stone Age Herbalist, I saw your Twiiter thread on Afrocentric ideology. Are you going to write a piece refuting the claims that every nation was originally inhabited by blacks? What is the consensus view?
A while back I read somewhere that experiments showed the quinine dosage in the gin & tonics consumed in the English colonies of India (unpalatably bitter compared those of today) was potent enough in quinine to increase it into the low medicinally effective range in the bloodstream, I wonder if drinking really strong coffee (even if similarly difficult to swallow) would lead to the same for caffeine.
Good chance I might have that. Love a good cold espresso tonic.
Caffeine and quinine is a winning combo
Your link to the Somali phenotype thread only brings up the first paragraph of the thread. This link goes to the whole article-- which I would highly recommend too! It is very interesting! link: https://twitter-thread.com/t/1742006339520336364
Thanks, I'll edit it in. Yeah its a great thread
I do not have X so I cannot read the threads: could you "threadapp" or screenshot them, please?
No problem:
Ur da real mvp. Thank you very much!
Dear Stone Age Herbalist, I saw your Twiiter thread on Afrocentric ideology. Are you going to write a piece refuting the claims that every nation was originally inhabited by blacks? What is the consensus view?