I knew this was going in this direction, I shouldn't have bothered. An entire society that thinks women's only value is being attractive to men, which has a spectrum of tiny to humongous consequences to everyone in the entire society's lives, ways of thinking and being, and opportunities, versus a media boogeyman that affects less than 1% of the population.
Beatings, eating regurgitation, widespread slavery, no healthcare at all, lack of universal education, abject poverty, ACTUAL WIDESPREAD FORCED GENITAL MUTILATION, so now the devalued half of the population can't enjoy a basic human activity, as well as being obese, and are props shaped into some nearly arbitrary immobilized ideals for men, force feedings...yeah, the two cultures are exactly the same. Lol.
Go bugbear somewhere else. (Edited: I see now that I'm on a blog of people I would not like if I met them, most likely. My days of flame warring are long behind me. Have a nice corner of the internet to yourself.)
Yes, slavery isn't a cultural phenomenon, it's a phenomenon of being poor....oh wait, you can't have it both ways: western culture is heralded, the others shamed, until you want to disagree because no data or argument will sway your beliefs an iota, so then it's because they are poor, not that they have moral agency.
Let's edit it for clarity: you want your opponents to be vile and have agency until it is convenient for you.
Richard Burton ( English explorer) also describe this practice in his travels in Africa. The queen bee will sit in a hut getting served on hand and foot and just eat. She off course thought she looks fantastic.
@stoneageherbalist What a stunning reminder of the shadow side of human diversity. Recently @safar fiertze suggested sending "postcards" to posts that stirred us. I think of postcards as "pretty", but this post isn't at all pretty (although thoughtful and well written). It's a sadly enlightening reminder of the dark corners of the human spirit. While this particular example seems ludicrously bizarre and primitive, a closer look at some of our own shadow behaviors reveal some of the same impulses..
As I looked through photos for something that reflected my feelings about this piece, thoughts about food, patriarchy, beauty, evil, and the dark corners of our souls rose and fell. I finally settled on this photo of a parade I watched recently in Mexico.
Turns out, for me, this process of finding a "postcard" response to a post forced me to dig deeper. Thanks, Safar.
Other "poscarders" ...
@Alexander M Crow Jenna Newell Hiott Louise Haynes Renée Eli, Ph.D. Safar Fiertze Susannah FisherSusie Mawhinney - A hill and I Tara Penry
This is addressed to SAH, not the commenter. Do you really want this sort of thing stinking the place up? This, in addition to the bewilderingly irrelevant anti-Semitic nonsense a little further up? There’s no need for it, surely?
Horrific. This is wrong on so many levels.
Like having sex with your father on an elevator, as the joke goes. Wrong on so many levels.
Is this really worse than some of the things happening in the West these days?
Yes, of course it is! Both sides nonsense, jeez.
Really, you think that's worse than encouraging children to castrate and mutilate themselves?
I knew this was going in this direction, I shouldn't have bothered. An entire society that thinks women's only value is being attractive to men, which has a spectrum of tiny to humongous consequences to everyone in the entire society's lives, ways of thinking and being, and opportunities, versus a media boogeyman that affects less than 1% of the population.
Beatings, eating regurgitation, widespread slavery, no healthcare at all, lack of universal education, abject poverty, ACTUAL WIDESPREAD FORCED GENITAL MUTILATION, so now the devalued half of the population can't enjoy a basic human activity, as well as being obese, and are props shaped into some nearly arbitrary immobilized ideals for men, force feedings...yeah, the two cultures are exactly the same. Lol.
Go bugbear somewhere else. (Edited: I see now that I'm on a blog of people I would not like if I met them, most likely. My days of flame warring are long behind me. Have a nice corner of the internet to yourself.)
"less than 1% of the population"
Oh, you sweet, sweet, naive boomer.
> versus a boogeyman that affects less than 1% of the population.
A lot more kids are being encouraged to mutilate themselves. Even more people have to deal with it.
Half your other complaints are basically that the country is poor.
Yes, slavery isn't a cultural phenomenon, it's a phenomenon of being poor....oh wait, you can't have it both ways: western culture is heralded, the others shamed, until you want to disagree because no data or argument will sway your beliefs an iota, so then it's because they are poor, not that they have moral agency.
Let's edit it for clarity: you want your opponents to be vile and have agency until it is convenient for you.
It’s all horrible isn’t it.
Richard Burton ( English explorer) also describe this practice in his travels in Africa. The queen bee will sit in a hut getting served on hand and foot and just eat. She off course thought she looks fantastic.
@stoneageherbalist What a stunning reminder of the shadow side of human diversity. Recently @safar fiertze suggested sending "postcards" to posts that stirred us. I think of postcards as "pretty", but this post isn't at all pretty (although thoughtful and well written). It's a sadly enlightening reminder of the dark corners of the human spirit. While this particular example seems ludicrously bizarre and primitive, a closer look at some of our own shadow behaviors reveal some of the same impulses..
As I looked through photos for something that reflected my feelings about this piece, thoughts about food, patriarchy, beauty, evil, and the dark corners of our souls rose and fell. I finally settled on this photo of a parade I watched recently in Mexico.
Turns out, for me, this process of finding a "postcard" response to a post forced me to dig deeper. Thanks, Safar.
Other "poscarders" ...
@Alexander M Crow Jenna Newell Hiott Louise Haynes Renée Eli, Ph.D. Safar Fiertze Susannah FisherSusie Mawhinney - A hill and I Tara Penry
"African values"
This is addressed to SAH, not the commenter. Do you really want this sort of thing stinking the place up? This, in addition to the bewilderingly irrelevant anti-Semitic nonsense a little further up? There’s no need for it, surely?
My apologies, I've removed him.
Thanks. No apology needed.
Oh no
These people are just barbaric. I despair of them. It's a never-ending parade of awfulness from Suez onwards until you reach Japan
> _leblouh_ is just one of many social ills they face - child marriage, polygamy, widespread FGM and high levels of illiteracy plague the country.
How is polygamy a social ill?
Sailer's written some on this, pretty fascinating.
People should be stripped of their fat surgically. The fat, once rendered, should be fed to the poor. Call it poetic justice.
The poor in the West have more food than they can handle.