Third Year of Writing - Updates
August marks the beginning of my third year writing for my blog, and I now have over 5,000 subscribers, around 100 of which are paid. I’m so incredibly grateful for all the support and subscriptions, and the small income I gain from this helps justify the time spent researching and writing. I can’t match the volume of other writers, so to have people still committed to waiting patiently each month and reading my thoughts, even after two years, is humbling and a great privilege.
That said, I aim to keep this project going and expand it in the coming years, and I do have to swallow my English reticence and ask for more paid subscribers. Almost all of my content is free, but I will be pay walling a few more articles every month, to encourage more uptake. At the moment my content is broken down thus:
Non-fiction articles: Free
Round-ups, breakdowns, monthly news: Free
Fiction: Free
Translations: Free
So You Want To Be An Archaeologist skills series: Paid
Bonus content: Paid
I am aiming to restore the podcast and produce some video lecture content, including a multi-part introduction to world archaeology. I will also follow up my first book with a second volume of essays as soon as time permits.
Ultimately my ambitions for this blog and my brand in general are wide-reaching, and I have many collaborative projects slowly building up behind the scene. I would love to able to turn this into a full time job, and produce more regular content: interviews, analysis, guest articles, maybe even hire someone to assist with research and so on.
To get there I need your support, so please do consider a paid subscription.
Expect to see a few more paid articles than normal, and watch this space for audio and video content.
Thank you to all my readers and subscribers,